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Seals class have been learning about how to measure a perimeter in Maths and how to convert from mm to cm.— VIPS () April 22, 2024


Some pupils attend the Climate Innovation Day at The Royal Institution in London. They listened to a series of presentations from scientists, mathematicians and IT specialists, on how they are working to research and combat climate change.— VIPS () March 22, 2024


Today, Turtles experienced life as a refugee! Inspired by this term’s text, The Boy at the Back of the Class. Turtles found that some places were not very welcoming, which was made more difficult from the fact that we could not speak the same language!— VIPS () March 20, 2024


KS2 enjoyed participating in language workshops on Tuesday morning, focusing on German, French and Spanish with some students from— VIPS () March 20, 2024


This week, Year 5 have been researching different topics in the Anglo-Saxon period to create their very own non-chronological reports, in readiness for our Anglo-Saxon experience day on Monday— VIPS () March 14, 2024


Year 5 and 6 had a fascinating journalism workshop led by BBC reporter Ian Sherwood. The children learnt how Ian first got into the world of journalism and the truly incredible story of Ian reporting of President Obama’s election back in 2008.— VIPS () March 11, 2024


Turtles showed brilliant resilience and teamwork whilst at Bowles this week! Their effect was fantastic, despite the weather, and we are very grateful to all staff and helpers that joined us too.— VIPS () March 7, 2024


Seal class created their own bookmarks based on their favourite authors and books. They shared the reasons why it was their favourite with their peers and then used the iPADS to look up more books from the authors so they could read some more in the future!— VIPS () March 7, 2024


Seal Class had a fabulous Stone Age workshop! They made their own hammers by splitting wood and tying stones, made their own clay pots and had a go at guessing the names of different stones that were used during the Stone Age. The children all had a great day!— VIPS () March 5, 2024


Turtles have had great fun being creative with their animations! We have learnt what frames are and how we can compile them to create a moving image!— VIPS () March 4, 2024


We would like to say a huge thanks to our amazing Governors on Governor Awareness Day!— VIPS () February 29, 2024


Turtles have had a brilliant time using oil pastels in their Art this morning! Last week, we sketched our waves and looked at the shapes that the contours create, so today we have used oil pastels to add colour and shading to make our pictures look even more fantastic!— VIPS () February 28, 2024


This week, Dolphin class are showcasing some of their amazing work they completed last half term! Check out these incredible animal conservation posters!— VIPS () February 23, 2024


Seals class have been writing their own version of the Iron Man opening. They created their own story maps and then tried to include similes, metaphors and ellipsis in their own writing. Mrs Covey was really impressed with their work!— VIPS () February 23, 2024


Turtles have been doing some brilliant work on their times tables this week and recapping their prior knowledge!— VIPS () February 22, 2024


As part of the children have been taking part in different activities at lunchtime including Obstacle course, Lego and trains and The Big Treasure Hunt and drawing!— VIPS () February 8, 2024


Last Friday, as part of our NSPCC maths day, Year 5 used the Fibonacci number sequence to create some spiral art, incorporating the ‘Golden Ratio!— VIPS () February 7, 2024


This week in art, Year 5 experimented with oil pastels to recreate an image of a sunset over Westminster Bridge. Some amazing work- well done, Year 5!— VIPS () January 31, 2024


Whale class have been working hard on their Monet masterpieces, they completed their art work by adding small elements of green by working ‘wet into wet’ as Monet did.— VIPS () January 31, 2024


Stingray Class have been researching and writing information texts based on the Northern Lights. Mr Littleton is incredibly proud of the high quality work that the children have produced!— VIPS () January 26, 2024


Shark Class have been revising our learning on money and coins and practicing number and letter formation. In our Art this week, we have learned the skill of weaving and produced some beautiful pieces of artwork!— VIPS () January 24, 2024


Whale Class have been busy adding lilies to their Waterlilies paintings— VIPS () January 24, 2024


This week, Year 5 have been sketching the Gherkin from memory, in homage of this term’s artist, Stephen Wiltshire— VIPS () January 24, 2024


Year 3 have been learning how to use persuasion in English this week. They have been writing adverts to sell Grandma’s house from our class book: ‘The Building Boy’.— VIPS () January 24, 2024


Turtles Class couldn’t wait to read the next part of their text this term, ‘The Land of Roar’!— VIPS () January 24, 2024

School Curriculum

Curriculum Statement

At Valley Invicta Primary School at Kings Hill, our school curriculum is the core focus of our work, which is to:

Ensure that our pupils are exceptionally prepared for the next stage in their educational journey.

Our values underpin our curriculum, as we strive to Empower our pupils, enable them to connect confidently and effectively and to grow and develop to inspire others.

In addition, our Rights Respecting focus develops our pupils’ spiritual, moral social and cultural learning and understanding across the full breadth of our curriculum.

We believe that the role of our curriculum is to connect our children’s thinking to an understanding of their place in the world, to create a space for them to explore what they stand for, and to help them realise and relish that they can and should make a difference.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), the children continue to develop the skills and knowledge outlined in the Foundation Stage Framework, which have been a focus of learning in nursery.  Most children will complete this framework and achieve a Good Level of Development by the end of Reception.

We ensure that our pupils in Year 1 to Year 6 are taught using the National Curriculum and in doing so meet statutory requirements. In addition, we will continue the EYFS Foundation Stage Framework if children need this.

Our Long Term and Medium Term plans provide teaching and learning opportunities which cover outcomes expected to meet the expected standards in each year group, and across the curriculum.  However, we also ensure that our curriculum differentiates to deepen knowledge and skills beyond the nationally expected level.  We do this through research, linking with other schools and organisations and by connecting with families and the community.

You can read our Intent, Implementation and Impact information here.

For further information on the curriculum followed by all year groups please contact the Headteacher, or you may access details of the full National Curriculum HERE.

Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum

We acknowledge that as parents and carers, you are your children’s first teachers. We link closely with you and nurseries and pre-schools to ensure that we know and understand each individual’s needs, interests, gifts and talents as they start school.  This enables the curriculum to be designed to give every child a really strong start in school.  We weave teacher-led and child-led learning opportunities through each day, with clear learning outcomes planned for every activity.

Early reading, phonics and a good understanding of number are crucial and are taught explicitly on a daily basis as well as being threaded through the whole curriculum.

We are passionate about giving our youngest pupils enriching opportunities to learn outside, explore, experiment and to plan, implement and review their successes on a daily basis.

Years 1-6 Curriculum

As our pupils progress through the school, we ensure that knowledge and skills progress and deepen thinking.  Lessons are designed to challenge each individual and create enquiring minds in our children.  The confidence and ability to question, wonder and reason is vital, and we use an oracy approach, where everyone uses talk and discussion to support independent and collaborative learning.

We develop avid readers, who can delve into a fantastic array of texts to extract new knowledge, and make connections to improve understanding.

Our systematic phonics and spelling teaching using Read Write Inc and PiXL programmes ensures that pupils can decode correctly, blend and segment sounds and spell accurately.

Our writing curriculum uses a Talk for Writing methodology, where children create maps and templates for a range of genres. We develop the ability to deconstruct these in order to analyse, leading to children being successful ad confident to write effectively for a range of audiences.  Making writing extremely purposeful motivates our pupils to compose and present their work to a very high standard.

Our maths curriculum draws on a range of excellent strategies and research including Singapore Maths and PiXL, and teaches pupils systematically about the four operations, shape, space and measure. Our calculation policy carefully explains how maths skills are built through the school.  Explicit skills such as knowledge of times tables are taught daily and maths is taught across the curriculum in order to deepen pupils’ ability to reason and problem-solve using meaningful and frequent opportunities.

Our curriculum is broad and balanced with reference to each subject’s objectives.

Our project-based humanities teaching enables the children to experience a memorable and adventurous context for their work, such as putting on a Recycled Fashion Show.  This ‘hooks’ the children in to innovative and enterprising learning.

Many subjects are taught discretely for example; Science, RE, PE, Music and MFL.

We link with our sister secondary schools with the Valley Invicta Academies Trust to deliver some aspects of these subjects using resources and expert teaching.  The children enter competitions, hold skype interviews, visit exciting places, hold adult and child-led workshops and make films to showcase their achievements.

We assess the success of our curriculum through marking, feedback, discussion, monitoring and assessment.

We want to inspire children and for them to be as passionate about learning as our teachers are. Therefore, we use parents, the local community, national and global opportunities to raise engagement and attainment through a creative and stimulating approach.

Curriculum and Schemes of Work Documents

Foundation Stage Links

Key Stage 1 Links

Key Stage 2 Links

Useful Links